Our Members

APPS membership means education.

We educate pipeline stakeholders about surveyors’ crucial roles in pipeline development.

We educate surveyors about the unique demands of pipeline projects.

APPS is open to individuals, corporate survey & engineering firms including sole proprietors, pipeline owner/operator companies, nonprofits including community organizations and universities, and municipal interests including cities, counties, and government agencies.

Surveyors are pivotal to assuring a pipeline’s safety and reliability. Yet, community stakeholders and even pipeline owner/operators often take surveyors’ expertise for granted. Similarly, despite the complexity and unique aspects of surveying a pipeline as opposed to surveying boundaries, surveyors unaccustomed to pipeline work often take their responsibilities for granted. Therefore, APPS develops and promotes broad efforts to educate:

  • pipeline stakeholders, including policy makers, about pipeline surveyors’ roles; and
  • surveyors about the unique and critical elements of pipeline survey work.

All APPS members have the opportunity to shape the knowledge and experience surveyors bring to a pipeline project. Surveyors, in particular, have the opportunity to master these skills and this information.


Individual members include anyone interested in knowing more about pipeline surveying or who has a vested interest in pipeline surveying, its techniques, or technologies.

Also, since pipeline surveyors are the tip of the spear for any pipeline development project, they will have a direct impact on communities through which a pipeline is routed. Therefore, to better understand a pipeline’s community impact (safety, the environment, etc.) individuals may be neighbors or residents with a vested interest in pipeline development.

Corporate Surveyor Firms

Corporate Surveyor Firms include any engineering or survey business, whether they are a sole proprietorship or a large employer, interested in developing and perhaps marketing their unique pipeline surveyor skill-sets and capabilities.

One of APPS’ primary purposes is to strengthen the pipeline surveyor workforce by educating and certifying surveyors and their teams as “pipeline surveyors.” APPS membership and its industry certification is a meaningful step for any surveyor business toward increased recognition within the pipeline development industry.

Pipeline Owner / Operators

APPS’ cornerstone membership is its Pipeline Owner/Operators. These members represent the industry in which pipeline surveyors function and in many instances it is their standards (often driven by statutory or regulatory requirements) that shape the association’s surveyor education and training. These companies, in conjunction with other interested members, lead APPS’ conversations about what is necessary for any pipeline surveyor.

Nonprofit, Universities & Public Sector

Nonprofits, universities, and public sector members include other pipeline related organizations (especially those focused on training and safety), universities with surveyor curricula, and local and state organizations with missions that focus on pipeline infrastructure or surveyors.